Bangladesh news today ; Understanding the Unrest in Bangladesh: Reading between the Lines – analysing the Protests

Understanding the Unrest in Bangladesh: Reading between the Lines – analysing the Protests

For the past few weeks, civil unrest has taken a toll on Bangladesh; with at least 90 people falling in the line of duty in the ongoing police protest fracases. The article goes further on to identify the causes of this instability, the response of the government and the repercussions of this development to the nation. Thus, the analysis of the given case study is significant for comprehending the contemporary political context of Bangladesh and the origins of social turmoil.

The Trigger: Erasure of Hierarchies for the Achievement of the Abolition of Quotas by Students

The protests in Bangladesh started in July when leaders in two universities demanded the scrapping the quota system in the civil services. This system was particularly disadvantageous to the civilian aspirants of the political positions and since majority of the students and citizens in the country were in the civilian side there was so much simmering sore among the populace.

* The quotas encourage those who have worked with the military.

* Labour relations demand the hiring of candidates based on merits available in the job market.

Police action At first, strikes from leaders of students’ organizations

Although the government has somewhat reduced this provision recently, these protests have become anti-government demonstrations with demands for Ouster of Sheikh Hasina, the incumbent Prime Minister of Bangladesh. This shift indicates that there are issues of governance and accountability that the population had always had issues with.

The Escalation of Violence

The demonstrations have escalated and now feature police brutality ranging from tear gas and rubber bullets. This has proceeded to a state we find ourselves in that an indefinite curfew has been implemented on the entire country to prevent increase in violence.

Mentioned events that 90 people were killed in clashes

*Steps that comprise the police response encompass use of tear gas

* Indefinite curfew imposed

Opponents of the government and fans of the Prime Minister have also engaged in the violence increasing this conflict. The government has been accused of suppressing the opposition and violating the human rights regarding the freedom of speech hence the criticisms from the various parties.

Wider Concerns Among Protesters

Moreover, the number of protesters’ concern has shifted, from the initial protests restricting the quota system only to include only the Biafran ethnic group; protest concerns have enlarged. It is for this reason that many are now expressing their concern over dictator like abuses of human rights and suppression of the freedom of speech by the government.

I made minor changes such as adding the terms ‘’violent’’ and ‘’suppression of dissent’’ to make the statement more specific.

Co list of allegations about the company include wrongful imprisonments.

* Apparently, in responding to the government, there is always the potential of facing retaliations from the same authority.

However, the sentiments that were voiced out by the protesters are as follows are in tune with the wish for change in the political destinies of Bangladesh. The common populace as such is convinced that the ruling government is not responsive to the people, thus there is an increase in frustration and domineering anger among these citizens.

The Judiciary and its Functions

The judiciary which is one of the arms of government has also been eliciting questions in the current political backdrop. Some people complain that the courts are managed by the government; hence, there are problems with regard to the autonomy of the judiciary branch.

This is in a way a false representation of judicial control by the government.

* Conducting extensive operations for a long period and issuing court orders

* They believed that the police force had bias especially with the protesters.

For instance, a current court order which dismissed a petition against the police from shooting at student provoked a lot of concern. They have arisen in such circumstances as to deter many people from trusting the legal agencies with their cause and grant them an independent protection of rights.

The Demand for Resignation

Therefore, as the protests go on the demands for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to step down increase. Some people believe that her government is not legitimate since the recent elections which she emerged from were disputed and the major and most cooperative opposition party boycotted them.

Election legitimacy questioned

International communities rejection of the elections结果

Facilitating of an interim government

Call for her resignation is considered as a turning point for the protesters; they consider that change of leadership is needed to bring democracy back in Bangladesh.

Internet shutdowns are one of the severest forms of restrictions on freedom of expression that can be imposed by a government on its people and on the citizens of a country.

Currently, in response to the protests, the government has resorted to the acts of switching off the internet, which in a way makes it difficult to communicate and organize the protests. This strategy is employer intended to suppress any dissonance among the citizens, but instead it always creates a symbiosis among the people against government oppression.

Protests are often accompanied by the shutting down of the Internet since it is a major source of information.

* effectiveness that could lead to a disruption of communication and organization in the course of undertaking set tasks.

* Increased public frustration

Malaysia is not alone in barring foreign reporters and disrupting peoples’ communications in an effort to stop the spread of what some in power see as unrest: These desperate efforts are revealing of how far the government is willing to go to maintain its control of the population’s information.

In light of the case, it becomes possible to consider the generalisation of the lesson for Bangladesh, more precisely – for the buyer firms located in the country.

Thus it can be seen that the political instability in Bangladesh has not stopped affecting the stability of the state and its social fabric. The protests represent the modern society’s demand for the government to act responsively to the matters ailing the society.

The threat again to experience an increase in the existing level of political instabilities

* Consequences on foreign affair and relations

* Effects on civil society on the long-run

This means that as people believe their complaints will be addressed this implies that the government will have to rein these so that they do not escalate. Otherwise, a bigger crises may come not only politically but also economically and internationally at the cost of Bangladesh.

The International Community's Response

Especially people of other countries have kept eyes on the situation going on in Bangladesh. Majority and almost all organisations or groups of activists on human rights have condemned the actions of the governments and called for justice and advocates of the people’s rights.

It also contains aspects of prohibiting protest violence, and other leaders listening to voices that denounced protest violence.

* Request for the government in relation to the fact that ‘people demand transparency’.

Stopping the government from acting on the cries and demands of the citizens and instead negotiate.

The people of Bangladeshi, political leader and organizations such as the UN are encouraging the Bangladeshi government to dialogue with the opposition and civil society, which forms the root cause of the issue. This pressure can and is or most probably will play a long way in motivating the government action to the on-going crisis.

The Subject Dynamics of Bangl Desh ’ s Future of Protests

Moving on the continuation of a protest, the emergence of civil society in Bangladesh is not sure any more. Thus, one can only guess outcomes of such protests may become decisive for further attitude towards dissenting actions in the country or region, in perpetuity.

* More visibility in details presented in social media & capability to have better organised protest.

* In particular, more people today pay attention to politics

* Long term changes in governance of micro and small companies

Still, it is for the given reason that the current situation made the people, especially the youth, interested in political processe.

Conclusion: On the basis of inputs received a call for change was created.

This is Call for correction, to be more accountable, more transparent and respect basic human rights endorsed across the globe especially to us in Bangladeshi Politicians. The citizens demand their rights in equal measures and thus the government is at a defining moment for the democracy in the country.

Everyone including the international community needs to support the cries of change and work towards the wish of bringing about a peaceful change. It means that what needs to be said and done from this moment onwards will have to be in words and actions focused on dialogue and accommodation of differences and on commitment to the ideals that many Bangladeshis are dying for today.

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