Peace in the Middle East Pathways to Hope Amid Conflict

Can there be Peace in Middle East? Challenges and Hopes

The Middle Eastern countries in particular have for a long time been a hot-beded area of unrest. When one looks at conflict situation as they exist today between Lebanon, Palestine and Israel, one is confronted by the human cost of conflict. Some demand an international involvement in the hope to restore the much needed peace here. But is there is some light at the end of the tunnel?

The choice of words used in the title such as ‘call’ suggests that people are calling on the international community to intervene.

All countries have been called upon to come in and intervene in the problems that are dominant in the Middle East region. The goal is simple: to end all the crisis and bring peace in Lebanon, Palestine and in whole wide world. War is a source of pain and it is high time 11 years of war is done away with and a searched for a solution to the conflict.

However, the major question that arises is how the entire world can do it? There is need to have interdependence among countries. In order for the countries involved to make a change and seek a peaceful resolution they have to go through diplomatic channels. War is a horrible experience that has an impact over people’s lives and future; it is high time for the world to stand as one and do not allow this to happen again.

Current Diplomatic Stance

However, there is one point of optimism which is that the relations are very strained. It is significant to note that all the main actors such as Israel, Lebanon, and Iran, for instance, are interested with the existing status quo. Even their diplomatic behaviors suggest that they do not want to go to the next level and wage a big war. It might curtail further provocation and hopefully result into a safer environment in the region.

It is imperative that no one of them engages into an open confrontation with the other parties. In large-scale war, everybody has much to fail, and up until now, diplomacy is managing to slow down an outbreak to some extent.

The role and the position of Hamas would also be rather impacted by the aggressiveness of its policies in the Gaza Strip.

The existing processes in the region have a great impact on Hamas. In the beginning, there was an expectation of sudden change – a turnover event which promptly produces regional transformation. Friends were supposed to mobilize and support and everything was done on a war basis. However this has not been the case as has been anticipated.

Hamas is in a rather unpleasant predicament since there is no large scale clash which it can engage into. Thus the expected support as well as the decisive change are still more a pipe dream. Thus the situation remains frozen, but the demand for the recognition of such an outcome as only possible and logical further than that increases.


Liberalisation in Middle East is a dream rarely dreamt because of the prolonged period of war and terrorism there. Still, the hope of a change and the occasional outlook towards the positive of diplomacy offers a shining light at the end of the tunnel. We must all keep Faith and endure as International players while at the same time maintaining diplomacy.

We are now in phase where no one wants to fight hence it is a noble endeavour to continue working for the Middle East peace. Let me therefore conclude that, several perspectives have to be taken into consideration and bring effort and continue to dialogue. So Who is ready to change pleas into action, in order to have a peaceful tomorrow?

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